Waste recycling in Central Bristol
what happens to your waste?
All cardboard and paper collected is baled and sent to paper mills for reprocessing back into fibre based products.
This material will be processed through our mechanical plant and category A & B wood is dispatched to various timber mills. The clean product is chipped and re-used to produce chipboard. Category B material is chipped and used in various industrial processes (eg. Compressed bricketts).
Metals such as iron are separated and sent to local metal recycling facilities where 100% is recycled. Metals are fragmentised or smelted and once melted sold to various sources to be manufactured into new metal products.
Green waste is taken to a local sourced composting facility where 100% is recycled. The green waste is mulched and composted before being used as a fertiliser on agricultural land.
All hard core / concrete waste including ceramics is 100% recycled. Hard core is crushed and screened prior to being reused as a secondary aggregate.
Plasterboard is bulked and taken to a local plasterboard recycling centre where 100% is recycled. The gypsum is crushed and ground down and then mixed with new gypsum to make new plasterboard.
All soils are 100% recycled. After screening, soils are sent for engineering material and also used as recycled topsoil.
Mixed construction materials pass through our trommel and sorting facilities to separate out into the constituent materials which are reused and recycled as detailed above.
All general waste is firstly machine sorted and then processed through a manual picking line to ensure that the maximum amount of recyclable material is separated. Residual waste from all sites is then loaded and sent to generate energy as refuse derived fuel (RDF).

Fully Licensed Waste Transfer Station
Recycling is a crucial part of what we do at our fully permitted and licensed Waste Recycling Facility based at St Philips in South Bristol.
All waste brought in to us by our skip hire and roll-on roll-off services is recycled at our own Recycling Centre.
We welcome clean and uncontaminated waste from our clients. We have a calibrated weighbridge that tracks waste brought into our Recycling Centre, which provides records to ensure your compliance and ours.
Our processes are devised around maximising the retrieval of valuable materials so they can be reused. We prioritise closing the loop with our recycling using local re-processors where we can.
Our video
Dust suppression system
Sites have a legal obligation to prevent dust and odours. Our unique mist-air dust and odour suppression system, has been adapted to suit our building size and operation, ensuring a dust and odour free environment. Mist-air controls the dust throughout the recycling process from start to finish by suppressing airborne dust from stockpiles and storage buildings also reducing the dust generated through tipping and recycling processes.

Visit our bristol transfer station
Bridge View House, Albert Road, St. Philips, Bristol BS2 0XS.
Tel: 0117 972 4433